Inside Beauty and Health
A Magazine for Women
Highlights of the November, 1903 issue

The cover. The slogan of the magazine was "Health is beauty. Ugliness is sin."

Inside the front cover: ads for Macfadden's book and other items of interest to a woman.

After seven more pages of similar ads, we see the table of contents.

"Mrs. Florence Bruce, artist, New York City, N.Y. $1,000.00 Prize Contestant for the
most perfectly developed woman. Mrs. Bruce is partly a vegetarian and partly a fruitarian.
Height, 5 feet 5 inches; weight, 160 lbs."
On the facing page is the beginning of the latest installment in a series of articles.

Exercises for women by Macfadden.

An article advancing Macfadden's belief that women need be healthy, strong, and fit.

Testimonials and a "Dear Abby" (long before Abby) personal advice article.

Information about the upcoming Physical Culture Exhibition at Madison Square Garden -
$5000 in prizes including the most "perfect woman" and athletic contests for women and girls.

Exercises for girls.

An indespensable romance story. Margaret Grant was most likely a pen name used by Macfadden.

Inside the back cover was an ad for free pictures of classical nudes and semi-nude figures.
Macfadden was inspired by Greek ideals of beauty. He included these kinds of
reproductions in all his magazines of the time.